Rahu is a highly malefic planet in the horoscope and it needs to be carefully seen for understand the areas in life it is negatively impacting. In a horoscope, determine the Rasi where Rahu is. Gary Gomes, Vedic Astrologer, New Bedford, Massachusetts. 372 likes 1 talking about this. Memorex expressit software for mac. Nearly 30 years, experience. Written numerous articles. Former President and Vice.
Conferences & Groups Where Julene Louis is Speaking in 2020
LCAA Lake County Astrological Association March 23, 2020 at 7:30 PM in Willoughby Hills, OH. Julene will be speaking on Right-Timing with Annual & Monthly Profections. Visit the LCAA website for more details
SMARRT Group May 17, 2020 at 2:00 PM EDT $15 USD. This class is being HELD ONLINE via Zoom Julene will be speaking on Timing Predictions with Secondary Progressions & TransitsVisit the SMARRT Meet Up page for pre-registration information. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED TO OBTAIN LINK Live prediction app.
GLAC: Great Lakes Astrology Conference July 9 - 13, 2020 is now being HELD ONLINE Julene will be giving a lectures on the Doshas of Ayurveda & Vedic Astrology. Click here for conference registration
SAC-III Sky Asrology Conference July 16 - 19, 2020 in Moffat, CO. THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Follow the Sky Astrology Conference Facebook page for webinars you can attend from home with Julene Louis, Adam Gainsburg, Gary Caton & Andrea Kennedy that provide a unique experience with the living sky.
LCAA Lake County Astrological Association March 23, 2020 at 7:30 PM in Willoughby Hills, OH. Julene will be speaking on Right-Timing with Annual & Monthly Profections. Visit the LCAA website for more details
SMARRT Group May 17, 2020 at 2:00 PM EDT $15 USD. This class is being HELD ONLINE via Zoom Julene will be speaking on Timing Predictions with Secondary Progressions & TransitsVisit the SMARRT Meet Up page for pre-registration information. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED TO OBTAIN LINK Live prediction app.
GLAC: Great Lakes Astrology Conference July 9 - 13, 2020 is now being HELD ONLINE Julene will be giving a lectures on the Doshas of Ayurveda & Vedic Astrology. Click here for conference registration
SAC-III Sky Asrology Conference July 16 - 19, 2020 in Moffat, CO. THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Follow the Sky Astrology Conference Facebook page for webinars you can attend from home with Julene Louis, Adam Gainsburg, Gary Caton & Andrea Kennedy that provide a unique experience with the living sky.
IVC 2020: Institute of Vedic Culture December 14 - 19, 2020 in Kolkata, India. This is a most prestigious conference that features Vedic and Western Astrology with 110 astrologers from all over the world presenting. It is the 30th annual conference organized by the Krishnamurti Institute. Julene's talk will be centered around similar concepts and techniques in Western & Vedic Astrology to come together upon common grounds rather that separate through differences. Click here for conference registration.